Webinars On Demand

Mission 7: Streamline daily dispatch and payroll operations


Agility and efficiency: School fleets need both to navigate ongoing driver shortages, manage on-the-fly route changes, and keep up with employee time and attendance. White boards and handwritten timecards can no longer keep up. But digitizing and centralizing daily scheduling and dispatch does.

Join us for a complimentary webinar. Hear Zonar and Bytecurve experts share how to do it all on one platform, with one integrated solution. And how it helps the Poway Unified School District transportation department run more smoothly, especially when faced with constant challenges.

  • Manage the driver replacement or route break apart on the fly.
  • Minimize lost labor costs with digital control over the timeclock.
  • Work from a real-time, integrated dashboard for dispatch, timekeeping and driver communications.
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