Webinars On Demand

Fireside Chat: California Clean Truck Check


Enforcement for the Clean Truck Check (CTC) program begins January, 2025. If this regulation applies to your fleet, avoid violations by making sure you understand how to comply.

Hear three experts discuss the Clean Truck Check program and its potential impact on your fleet.

  • All details and nuances on the execution of California’s Clean Truck Check
  • How to prepare for scans and what CARB is looking for
  • The ins and outs of what it takes to be a CARB-certified provider

Also, get a sneak peek into our plans to help you comply more easily without the downtime or the complex logistics of scheduling manual scans.


First time hearing about the new regulation?

CARB (California Air Resources Board) is tasked with safeguarding the public’s health from harmful air pollution. The agency’s new regulation, the Clean Truck Check program, combines regular vehicle testing with advanced emissions monitoring and enhanced enforcement in California to identify vehicles that need emission-related repairs.