11 ways to do more without blowing your fleet’s budget

Managing a school bus fleet means addressing a universe of various, labor-intensive tasks, each of which needs to run cost effectively. District and parent expectations are high. Ridership, funding and legislative initiatives fluctuate. And maintaining a reliable roster of bus drivers is far from simple.
Download our complimentary white paper, 11 ways to do more without blowing your fleet’s budget, to learn how integrating the right smart fleet solutions and technology strategies enables your fleet to fulfill these needs. And how they can pay for themselves within a year.> <h2>When time and resources are tight, make the most of each.
The right strategies and smart fleet management technologies make controlling fleet costs, enhancing safety and improving service more possible. As you read the paper, learn more about safeguarding student riders, keeping vehicles healthy, finding new efficiencies, and streamlining operations on and off the bus…without breaking the bank.
Match your fleet inventory to ridership and routes.
Each vehicle, mile, student and stop costs budget to run. But ridership fluctuates, districts grow, and community demographics change. Read about how digitally tracking each vehicle’s student ridership to know how many regularly take which bus, where they get on and off, and when. And where to apply the data to find efficiencies.
Know what your ridership looks like to:
- offload buses you don’t need
- make a case for what you do
- enhance on-time reliability
- reduce overhead costs
Squeeze your miles worth out of each bus.
On average, and under normal conditions, a diesel school bus lasts 12 to 15 years and roughly 250,000 miles. What if you could get more use out of each vehicle, for longer?
Read about right sizing your fleet and reevaluating routes to help extend vehicle lifespan and making the best use of each vehicle—and its fuel. Learn about limiting the daily, physical wear-and-tear on your fleet. And about reducing costs through healthier, longer lasting vehicles that run more efficient routes.
Plus, if you’re still using paper-based inspections times, read about speeding inspections up by about 50% and catching more minor defects before they get worse—without using paper—to maintain safer, healthier vehicles. And about how you can electronically verify each inspection online.
Streamline daily operations for drivers, dispatchers and parents.
At least once a year, operational processes and procedures need to be reviewed to ensure they still make sense. Download our complimentary white paper to learn more about each approach listed above and how each of the 11 tactics reduces fleet costs while enhancing operations and service levels.
Download the complimentary white paper to also read about:
- why manage ICE-powered and electric school buses on one platform
- protecting against fines, liabilities and losses
- reducing idling, lowering emissions and extending each vehicle’s lifespan
- making driver coaching and training more effective for new, substitute and veteran drivers alike
- digitizing and streamlining back-office operations through platform integration
- reducing parent call volumes and protecting drivers from erroneous complaints
- safeguarding student riders from accidents, breakdowns and wrong top, wrong bus mistakes
Download the white paper. When you’re ready, contact us with questions.