Personal Conveyance Best Practices

What is personal conveyance?
Personal conveyance (PC) is one of several special duty statuses commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers can log. This off-duty status that allows drivers to use their vehicle for personal use. However, there are limitations to how and when drivers can use PC.
Guidance for personal conveyance (as of June 2020)
According to the FMCSA, drivers may use personal conveyance once they’re relieved from all work and responsibilities. The CMV can be used for personal conveyance when laden (carrying a work-related load), as long as the load isn’t being transported for the commercial benefit of the carrier at that specific time. Personal conveyance is based on the nature of the travel, not whether the vehicle is loaded or not. Basically, if the movement is personal in nature and has no commercial benefit, the travel can be counted as personal conveyance.
There is no regulation limiting the time or distance of personal conveyance. However, fleets and organizations may impose limits and even prohibit personal conveyance use while the CMV is laden. Personal conveyance does not exempt a driver form any other safe driving rule, including the prohibition on driving while fatigued.
Documenting personal conveyance and HoS
PC, like all other driven hours, must be documented by an Electronic Logging Device (ELD). On our ELD, it’s logged as “Personal Conveyance” and can be found under Special Duty Status and Off-Duty Status.
Drivers are not exempt from inspection during personal conveyance drives. If an inspection occurs, drivers need to change their status to “on-duty, not driving” for the duration of the inspection.
Personal conveyance does not count towards daily hours-of-service and therefore, can be used during the 10 hours of off-duty time.
Appropriate uses of personal conveyance
- Traveling to a rest or lodging area after loading or unloading.
- Traveling between a truck stop and a restaurant while off duty.
- Traveling between home and an offsite location, which is defined by FMCSA as “a location, other than a carrier’s terminal or a shipper’s or receiver’s facility, where a driver works for a temporary period for a particular job.”
- The travel between home and an offsite location is considered commute time, qualifying as personal conveyance.
- If a driver is asked to move the CMV by a law enforcement or safety officer during off-duty hours.
Inappropriate uses for personal conveyance
- Skipping or changing rest areas that are closer to the destination. This contributes to the commercial benefit of the motor carrier and is therefore not personal.
- Returning home or to a standard work location after delivering a load. This is considered part of the trip and cannot be used as personal conveyance.
- “Advancing towards dispatch” when the vehicle is unladen and the driver uses personal conveyance to get to a destination to pick up a new load.
- This movement would be considered “driving” because the driver is en route to pick up a load, therefore not relieved from work and responsibility.
- Driving for a repair or maintenance.
Federal regulations
Drivers are still subject to all FMCSRs. Personal conveyance does not reduce the responsibility to operate the CVM safely.
Because the rules and regulations of the road are frequently updated and refined, regularly check the FMSCA and CVSA for up-to-date news and official rules about personal conveyance and more.
You can also find the latest trends in driver safety and compliance on Zonar’s Compliance Portal. As always if you have questions or comments, feel free to contact our safety and compliance team.